Nov 18, 2024
Nov 5, 2024
Oct 30, 2024
Oct 24, 2024
October 21, 2024: One Fry Short, Another McDonald's Clown, Fantasy Fails Reality
----Banner headline on front page of “The Drudge Report”
For those of you too young to remember, or those with short attention spans or memory, The Drudge Report, founded by Matt Drudge is one of the first full-blown on-line reactionary publications to gain national traction. This was during the Clinton administration and Drudge was to report first, and almost singularly accurate, the sorry tale of Clinton and his affair with a young White House staffer named Monica Lewinsky. This gained him instant gravitas among ReSCUMlicans and others of a decidedly fascist bent. Drudge also became one of the go-to sources for that fat ass Rush Limbaugh as he daily snorkeled in the idiot wrong's reactionary septic system in constant search for material to gag up during his daily three-hour-long screeds.
So it comes as something of a shock to see Drudge openly declare what is so obvious to civilized people: tRUMP is a fraud.
For weeks now, Caesar Disgustus has been prancing about the land, doing the “double-jerk” (you know that dance on stage where he looks like he is masturbating two men at the same time) and telling his adoring audiences that Kamala really didn't work at McDonald's when she was young. The story goes that since she didn't list her McDonald's employment on her professional resumes, she couldn't possibly have held such a job. Calling her Lyin' Kamala (he has lost his powers of creativity here re-using an epithet previously reserved for Ted Cruz), he has of late vowed to work 'a shift' at McDonald's in order to demonstrate that the job isn't that hard and, of course, he can do it better. This is of a pattern for he told the auto workers that all they do is assemble previously manufactured parts out of a box and that a child could do it. All this in an appeal to blue-collar workers.
So this weekend it was put to the full test. Here we have video of Caesar Disgustus being introduced to the french fry machine. First he arrives in a suit, complete with his over sized clown red tie. After removing his jacket, gold cuff links can be seen on his french cuff dress shirt. He stands and listens as some poor hapless bastard attempts to explain how the machine works, how to use the timers and what do do when they go off. Then, donning the apron, he needs help and another employee, this one female, goes behind and ties the apron for him. Everyone who has ever worked in a fast-food joint is now shaking their heads, knowing immediately that this man is a fish out of water.
Well to make a not so long story short, it was a complete disaster. The fries he produced were soggy and not completely cooked. He failed. They transferred him to another job, this time the take-out window.
But the whole thing was a sham. The entire demonstration lasted about 15 minutes. Then this morning reports surfaced that the 'store' (McDonald's doesn't have restaurants, it has 'stores') was closed for four hours in order to hold this event. This event was populated by maggots, die-hard tRUMPers hell-bent on demonstrating he is one of the 'people'. He didn't work a 'shift', let alone report to this job every day, eight hours a day, week in and week out. He 'worked' 15 minutes and even then failed miserably. Not since Mike Dukkakis climbed in that tank, looking nothing so much as Snoopy sticking his head out to see where the machine was heading, has a presidential campaign stunt looked so ridiculous. Hell, it's even worse than that.
But he got his photo-0p, as they say, and it will fill the screens of Newsmax and Fox and Sinclair, to the rest of us he was just another McDonald's clown.
The media and the country are finally, after nearly a decade, getting wise to all this. As reported previously in these columns Cory Lewandowski, tRUMP's first campaign manager in 2016, admitted that the campaign had hired the audience in attendance at tRUMP Tower when he came down the escalator and announced that henceforth he would stink up the public forum. They used a New York talent agency to recruit his 'supporters' so that an illusion of popular demand could be created out of whole cloth.
More recently, the campaign has put “Fire Fighters for Trump” T-shirts and signs on the persons and in the hands of 'supporters' who aren't firefighters; “Union Workers for Trump” signs and T-Shirts on those who are not union workers; white people in a black church so that Disgustus can argue he appears to speak in black churches; in a move reminiscent of the Florida “Brooks Brothers Riot” in the aftermath of the 2000 election he is now choreographing people posing as blue collar workers who in fact are congressional staffers. One notable participant was a black man who worked in the office of the now thoroughly disgraced and convicted felon former Congressman George Santos.
TRUMP, it should have long since become apparent, is a thoroughgoing fraud. Everything about the man is fraudulent. His businesses, his family life, his political 'ideology'. It is all blue smoke and mirrors, all grandiose pretension. Fantasy become reality; you know, a reality show. And, oh yes, that “reality” show The Apprentice, the one that made tRUMP what he is today? That too was staged and scripted.
And what a miserable show it is. Here, at “Mickey D's” fantasy fails reality as our would be Caesar demonstrates beyond all doubt that his incompetence is so complete that even after they reportedly rehearsed this with him, he could not even rustle up a decent serving of french fries. Perhaps it was the 'serving' that did him in. Perhaps it is that for the first time in his life he is actually, if incompetently 'serving' someone. Or at least the prospect was in the offing.
Forcing himself to actually 'serve' someone. He couldn't bring himself to do that.
Imprison the bastard.
Oct 7, 2024
October 5, 2024: About As Expected, The Golden Swine, Sanitizing Vance
Well the Vice Presidential face-off is now in the books. It went about as expected. Vance, a tRUMP sycophant, parrots the hopeless prevaricator by replicating, with a straight, albeit likewise 'made-up- face, the lies of the Fuhrer. These are the minimum standards by which one remains a member in good standing among the Maggots; there are no known others.
Vance, another escapee from Yale Law School, had previously excoriated tRUMP, even at one time calling tRUMP a would-be Hitler. As so many before, Graham, Rubio, Cruz, he soon found his political career would be snuffed in the crib if he didn't bow down before the almighty. Accordingly, seemingly overnight, Vance found religion at the altar of The Donald and knelt and genuflected before the Golden Swine.
And so it was that we find the heavily cosmetic Vance confronted with the genuinely honest and straightforward Grandfather in a 'debate' in which Vance parroted tRUMP's lies with Walz countering with pleas for understanding.
Pointing out what they had in common, Walz went about sanitizing Vance by getting him to agree on several points, demonstrating in the process what is possible and why it is possible.
Walz “won” the debate, by all accounts given the polling data in the aftermath, further broadening the appeal of the Democratic ticket. He accomplished the goals of the task at hand. But he also made Vance, a really dangerous little fascist, appear reasonable if not quite normal. This may lay the groundwork for future trouble, but the crisis at hand is, at this point, more commanding.
There was almost no discussion, for example, of Project 2025, that vicious 900 page blueprint composed and published by The Heritage Foundation a ReSCUMlican stink-tank hell bent on creating a post democratic, post-constitutional regime. I will not dignify this effort by calling it a post-constitutional republic. In it the ReSCUMlicans lay out a platform that is an oligarch's wet dream, and a nightmare not only for representative governance but the middle class. Vance wrote the introduction to this piece of shit.
So, in large measure, Vance was let off the hook. He had his hands full defending the indefensible, most tellingly by his refusal to acknowledge that tRUMP got his corpulent ass kicked in 2020. Vance was thereby cornered into denying reality and demonstrating to the nation that he has kissed the ring; that he is now in full service to the villain.
And that, I suppose, is good enough for one night's work.
Imprison the Bastard.
Sep 30, 2024
September 30, 2024: Grandfather Taken From Us, To Laugh Again, Some Mischief
“Tim Walz is the grandfather taken from us by Rush Limbaugh and Rupert Murdoch”
The author of the quote above is lost to history. It comes down to me from a conversation on a talk show in which the speaker could not recall who it was he was quoting or where it came from but I cite it here because it is so true.
Conservative, reactionary, hate radio and it's television counterpart have stolen one of life's treasures: a jolly, loving and caring grandfather. Old Grandpa has morphed under the constant bullshit of rage media into a bitter, cynical, cruel and hateful old man. In short, a Maggot. And nothing demonstrates how far it has gone, how much we have lost, than the emergence of the buoyant, cheerful, caring governor of Minnesota as the Democratic nominee for Vice President of the United States. To put joy back into our politics, to laugh again is to demonstrate what Grandfather's everywhere used to do: put joy and fun into our lives. It was up to our parents to set the rules and instill discipline. It was up to Grandpa to break the rules and have fun. After all, he would, after some mischief, simply hand us back to our parents with no apologies. It was grandpa who showed up disguised as Santa on Christmas dispensing fudge literally by the pound. It was Grandpa who took us to the ball game. It was Grandpa who fed us Ice Cream.
Oh, what the fascist Hate mongers have wrought.
Walz has been billed as an attack dog for the campaign. I don't see it. His critique of Disgustus and everything he represents hits home. But his style is to point out the absurdity of it all rather than a full-blown frontal assault. And, remember, laughter is enabling. Laughter is uplifting. Laughter empowers rather than diminishes. Laughter is polite and all the more powerful in its politeness. Laughter is civilized. When he meets Shady Vance it will be more of an exercise in introducing long overdue civility than anything else.
And that will be welcome relief from this interminable nightmare of fear and loathing.
Sep 29, 2024
September 27, 2024: Ignorance On Display, He Knows Nothing, Another Sales Tax
Caesar Disgustus, demonstrating once again that 78 years upon this earth has proven powerless to instruct, has taken to touting tariffs as a means of raising revenue. He tells his equally ignorant audiences that foreign governments will pay the taxes and, therefore, they will be the entitled beneficiaries of the largesse of others. By this means we can abolish the IRS and liberate the nation from responsibility of funding the government. It is the 'boomers' last wet dream, following on the heels of 'peace and love', the merits of dropping acid, Reaganomics, smoking pot, the 'flat tax' and a host of other schemes, lotus dreams of a generation that were convinced by Eric Von Daniken in The Chariots of the Gods that aliens built the pyramids. The Generation of Swine have always been susceptible to such hogwash and this is only its latest iteration.
So here we have the Great Prevaricator claiming with a straight face that tariffs, yet another form of an upper class tax cut, will solve everything. But this isn't how it works.
It has been pointed out, ad nauseam it seems, that tariffs are levied upon goods coming into the United States at point of entry, meaning simply that an additional cost is simply added upon whatever it is that is being shipped into the United States. That cost is paid by the consumer, not the foreign government nor any one of its constituent companies. It is, simply put, a sales tax on the American consumer. ;
Yes, this country has imposed tariffs in its history; sometimes stiff tariffs. But it has done so, by and large, for very legitimate reasons.
In the beginning the American colonies, all of them, were creatures of European governments who were engaged in empire building. Now empires are more than mere expressions of military prowess; they are political and economic behemoths, held together by what was then called mercantile economic systems. The mercantile system was characterized as a 'closed' system in which the colonies supplied the raw materials, like lumber, cotton, iron, copper, etc, to the 'mother' country in this case England. The 'mother' country would manufacture goods like furniture, lamps, shoes etc, and ship them back to the colony in exchange for more raw materials and money. In this way materials and money would flow into the 'mother' country be it Spain, England, The Netherlands, France, and, with the help of the slave and drug trades make the emerging Capitalist class rich and powerful as they funded the armies necessary to impose their rule. It was in this context that the first international monopolies were established by various governments, such as the East India Tea Company that led, by degrees to the Boston Tea Party. The American Revolution began the demise of this order; the undoing of which played out well into the mid twentieth century; replacing by degrees the Mercantile with the Free Market paradigm.
But the concept of protectionism stubbornly remained, useful to our ancestors as a tool to establish their own domestic industries here in the United States and foster their survival by protecting the nascent enterprises from competition propped up by foreign empires. Therefore, our ancestors used tariffs to protect our emerging textile, machine tool, farm and other industries until they became large and powerful enough to compete in open markets.
That is the purpose of tariffs, to protect emerging domestic industry.
It follows that if we have no corresponding domestic industry to protect then the imposition of such import duties only add to the cost of the goods in question; in effect a mere sales tax. The tariff is not protecting a domestic enterprise, nor any in their employ. And, since The Generation of Swine have not only stood idly by, but indeed have actually encouraged (Reaganomics) the gutting of our manufacturing base, there are few domestic industries left to protect. Go to Walmart and look for any item made in the United States, it will be a long and fruitless search indeed. It has never occurred to the aging, rotting, turd, that at minimum the imposition of duties upon imports will reduce the quantity of imported goods thereby further increasing their price and, perhaps, causing widespread shortages as well. The shift of the tax burden from the income tax to tariffs simply compounds the error, raising prices by imposing an import duty and then further raising prices by creating shortages as foreign suppliers seek other markets. This is what happened when Disgustus imposed tariffs on steel and agricultural trade, acts which he was forced to reverse as the consequences became painfully apparent. This is what happens when one imposes ignorance upon the system.
Public policy is sometimes and unwieldy proposition. Public policies are crude instruments, changes to which are often fraught with unforeseen consequence. This is not the work of amateurs, less so of the decidedly and proudly ignorant.
Caesar Disgustus, the aging 78 year old relic of a bygone error is, undoubtedly, the last of the Generation of Swine to stand for election. He is singing the swan song of a hopelessly delusional generation that has made a pig's breakfast of everything it has touched; and which experience has proven powerless to instruct. And this, perhaps, is the last example; the last gasp.
Flush This Turd
Imprison the Bastard.
Sep 26, 2024
Sep 22, 2024
September 22, 2024: Sane-Washing, Musings of a Madman, In Broad Daylight
“That was a real shit show”
----CNN reporter Dana Bash following the first Biden-tRUMP debate in 2020
That was in 2020. Four years later we find such refreshing honesty long gone. She co-anchored the debate with Jake Tapper on June 27th between Biden and Trump by launching a tough hard-hitting question directed at Biden on inflation, wholly ignoring the causes nor putting the issue in context of world wide economic conditions. The rest of the debate saw both Bash and Tapper sit in silence as Disgustus, unchallenged, rattled off lie after lie. Caesar told the nation that Democrats favored late term abortions, even into the 9th month, even up until birth, hell even after birth where doctors discuss killing the newborn. It's a lie, a lie he repeated, with a straight face, in this month's debate with Harris, only to be called out for it. Now he cries he has been treated unfairly for not being able to lie to the American people.
He lied about immigration, claiming over 20 million people have been allowed into this country since Biden took office. That number, though suspect, is an estimate of the total number of undocumented migrants in this country 79 percent of whom got here before 2014.
He told the nation that parents drop their kids off at school only to discover up their return a couple of days later, that they have been given a sex change operation. This is as if the school nurse, every school nurse, has an operating table and the skills to do so.
No matter, the scum just rabbits on.
He lied 34 times, by some counts, in 90 minutes during his debate with Biden, completely unchallenged by the 'moderators'.
Despite the 'spin' by Disgustus and his minions tRUMP, on substance, lost the debate with Biden. In fact Biden's polling numbers went up a point or two after the debate. What did old Joe in was the post debate coverage. Yes the delivery by the president was dismal enough, but the post debate coverage started an avalanche of calls for him to step down.
No such calls can be heard, now nearly two weeks after Disgustus shit himself in his last debate with Harris.
The charge that the press is 'liberal' has always been a lie; and the double standard in its treatment of the candidates from each party has been fully on display in the ways in which the media covers the aging of each party's leading candidates. The Democrats are excoriated for the temerity of putting forward an 83 year old man who can speak in complete sentences; the ReSCUMlicans are given a pass for nominating a 78 year demented, mentally ill fool who rambles aimlessly on for no other reason than he is mesmerized by the sound of his own voice.
It is called “Word Salad” and a new term has been coined to describe the media's reaction to his gibberish: “Sane-Washing”. One can see it when the networks invite surrogates to interpret the babble. One can see it in the coverage of this gibberish where columnists 'interpret' what the damn fool says in an effort to put a sheen of logic or purpose upon his foolishness. Even as they call it 'Sane-Washing', they then go about putting lipstick on the pig; they go about the very act of 'Sane-Washing' Donald tRUMP.
So now we have Dana Bash complaining that Harris is found lacking when it comes to 'substance'. That her lack of 'policy' is her Achilles heel that will sink her campaign. Bash has lost herself in the mire, for she can no longer see substance when it stands before her in broad daylight.
Imprison the Bastard.
September 19, 2024: Depravity of Disgustus, Blood Libel, Message is Clear
The depravity of Caesar Disgustus knows no bounds. There are no known depths to which he will not go as he snorkels in the septic tank of American politics. I put before you exhibit 1001 or thereabouts, the charge that illegal Haitian immigrants are killing and eating the pets of Springfield, Ohio and Venezuelan gags have taken over large sections of Aurora, Wyoming.
None of this is, of course, true. He's been told it isn't true. The woman who started the rumor about the pets in Springfield has since apologized claiming she never thought it would be picked up and made into an issue in the presidential campaign. Like most of us, she underestimated the depravity of Caesar Disgustus.
But Disgustus is a stable genius. Just ask him. A 'genius' is never wrong. It follows that no apologies are ever required or offered. Indeed, Disgustus in typical knee-jerk, or is it just plain jerk, fashion proceeds with the inevitable doubling, tripling and quadrupling down. So it is no surprise to find the jackass repeating with a straight face these bold-faced lies in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Boston following the dog-eared playbook of every fascist since Hitler that the more outrageous the lie, and the more often repeated, the more believable it is.
So the contagion spreads. Soon the internet is lit up with hapless Maggots and Russian trolls repeating the nonsense with wholly predictable consequence. Bomb and death threats inundate the community closing schools, hospitals, City Hall, even the god-damned Registry of Motor Vehicles. Now Disgustus tells his acolytes that he is going to Springfield and that he may never divine the meaning.
The question is why is he doing this? He's doing it because he is desperate. He knows he is losing this election and justice stands waiting at the end of the campaign trail. Harris is within 4 in Iowa. Biden lost Iowa by 8 percentage points four years ago, was down by 14 when he withdrew from the contest. She is up by 1 or 2 percent in North Carolina, even in Georgia, and within the margins of error in Florida and Texas. He's scared shitless.
This attack on immigrants is a form of “blood libel”, a reference to European justifications for pogroms against the Jews and Gypsies in the Middle Ages. In this case pets are substituted for children; but if this campaign drags on long enough we will soon be there. It is an outrageous and dangerous game he is playing, a form of stochastic terrorism which has already forced the community to take drastic steps to defend itself.
It matters not to Disgustus who needs an issue, any issue, to demonize the 'other'; and the more outrageous the better. The Nazi's held that the more outrageous the lie the more believable, I guess because that being so outrageous, it must be true. It also makes it difficult, once one has nailed one's trousers to the mast, to climb back down. It helps keep the 'true believer' in line, It is also a loyalty test in the run-up to Election Day when tRUMP will predictably claim fraud and that the election was, once again, stolen from him.
This is best demonstrated by what happened to Linsey Graham the ReSCUMlickan senator from South Carolina. Lindsey had, in a previous life, been a close friend of John McCain. But Graham was never a leader, always a follower; never the Hero, but the Hero's best friend. So when McCain got sick and passed away, poor Lindsey got lost finally wandering down the rabbit hole into Maggotland.
More accurately, he was pushed into it. Back in 2015 in the lead-in to the primaries, Lindsey momentarily had a conscience. He called tRUMP out for the fraud he was and is. He said he had no convictions, that he had no morals, that he would be the end of the Republican Party. Disgustus retaliated by announcing Lindsey's phone number in a speech which lit up Graham's cell phone. The point was clear. I will invade your space, your privacy. I will reveal information about you should you get out of line.
Come insurrection day and Lindsey took to the senate floor to denounce tRUMP and told the nation that it had been a long and sometimes fruitful journey but he had had enough. His resolve lasted for as long as it took for him to go to the airport and be assaulted by a couple of irate Maggots on his way back home.
Now Graham finds himself once again in the cross hairs. Always in need of relevance, he went on television following the debate and announced that tRUMP's performance had been a disaster.
Now Disgustus has taken into his fold another who resides at the intersection of politics and mental illness, one Laura Loomer. The latest proto-fascist to enter the enclave at Mar-a-Lardo responded on 'shitter' now known as 'X' alleging Graham's homosexuality, telling him that it is 2024 and he can come out of the 'closet', declaring “I like men too, we have something in common”.
For Graham, who represents bed-rock conservative South Carolina, this is very damaging indeed.
The message to fellow ReSCUMlicans is clear: get out of line and this is what is going to happen to you.
There are no known depths.
Imprison the Bastard.
Sep 20, 2024
September 18, 2024: Caravans are Coming, A Catch Basin, Nothing About Everything
It is the bi-annual caravan season. One can tell an election is upon us as the ReSCUMlickans are doing their bi-annual and quadrennial song and dance about hordes of brown scum about to inundate our shores, a veritable “invasion”, in Disgustus' disgusting phraseology of criminals, madmen, rapists and murderers about to violate every white woman north of the Rio Grande.
To this end, Caesar Disgustus seeks to divert attention from his very bad debate performance by claiming illegal Haitian immigrants have taken over Springfield, Ohio and Mexican gangs have taken control of a large section of Aurora, Colorado. None of this is true. The Haitians were invited here by the community are are working here lawfully under a work permit. The 'gangs' in Aurora came into being when a property management company, seeking to evade regulations, claimed that they couldn't do the needed repairs because Latino gangs had taken control of the property.
This didn't prevent our erstwhile ReSCUMlickan candidates from blowing all this out of proportion in attempts to scare the hell out of the electorate and create yet another distraction involving the dehumanization of whole segments of the population in the classic exercise of 'divide and rule.' We can expect more of this as certain defeat looms near and they become increasingly desperate.
There are no known depths to the mendacity and depravity of Caesar Disgustus and his Boy Blunder. Vance, yet another escapee from the fascist asylum known as Yale Law School has openly confessed to making up stories if it serves his purposes. Disgustus, of course, brought this up in the debate claiming that, in all innocence, he had seen reports on television, no doubt Fox or Faux “News”, or Newsmax, or god knows where. Disgustus, a known catch basin for the flotsam and jetsam of contemporary culture is not known for his skills involving resource evaluation.
Critical thinking is well beyond his limited intellectual abilities. He knows nothing about everything and cannot evaluate his information sources. This makes him very dangerous indeed, should he once again stink up the Oval Office.
Imprison the Bastard.
September 17, 2024: tRUMP Contagion, Cancer on the Republic, Running for his Life
Conventional wisdom has it that Caesar Disgustus isn't the problem; he's but a symptom of the problem; he didn't invent the modern ReSCUMlickan Party, but merely revealed to us what it has become. Hell, I've even, on several occasions in these columns, made the point myself.
But recent commentary by Brandi Lee, a psychologist affiliated with a group of psychiatrists and psychologists who, along with over two dozen other psychiatric professionals, wrote a book several years ago diagnosing tRUMP, has put his pathologies in a bit of a different light. According to Dr. Lee, tRUMP's mental illness can spread throughout society as an air-borne illness can spread. Citing the infection spreading to his base, then to members of congress, then to the federal bench, then to law enforcement agencies, the media and nearly every other institution all of whom have not only failed to hold him accountable, but have outright enabled him.
There are many examples of this, too many to catalog. Suffice it to say that the courts shredding the Constitution by neutering the 14th amendment provision barring insurrectionists from running for president, granting the president—with this 'president' in mind—total unlimited immunity, including assassinating his political opponents while in office. The disease now runs through the lymph nodes of the Republic.
This week the F.O.P., or Fraternal Order of Police, the nation's largest police union, officially endorsed the convicted felon for President of the United States. It is one thing for a group of brown shirts to proudly stand behind this orange turd in a parking garage in Howell, Michigan. It is quite another for their national Union so do so.
Dr. Lee tells us that the remedy is to remove Disgustus from society altogether. I have been saying much the same thing for nearly four years now, contending that he should have been arrested on Inauguration Day 2021, as he was leaving Washington and held pending his several trials. This would have accomplished three desperately needed goals: 1. It would have put an immediate end to the endless legal maneuvering and delays. 2. It would have eliminated any future presidential run by Disgustus. 3. It would have removed Disgustus from society at large, giving us all immediate relief from the stench that surrounds this steaming pile of political pig shit.
Dr. Lee tells us that once the cancer is removed the patient begins to quickly recover. A return to 'normalcy', to borrow a phrase coined a century ago by another rogue ReSCUMlickan 'president' Warren G. Harding. The French, it should be noted, were forced into a similar realization a bit over two centuries ago when they realized that they had to quarantine Napoleon on St. Helen's Island in the middle of the South Atlantic and keep him under permanent guard in order to prevent his return.
So it is here. Disgustus has serially violated every one of the conditions of his freedom since he has been indicted in several jurisdictions for a myriad of crimes. It is time to incarcerate him. I suggest that this is precisely his fate. Judge Merchan has announced that his sentencing for 34 felony convictions will be after the November election. I suppose that the reason for this is that if he wins the convictions will be mute. If he loses, he will no longer have the protection of the presidency nor the canard of being a candidate for the office. Therefore, the state can move with dispatch to rid itself of this jackass. Disgustus is running for his life and, as he faces a growing prospect of defeat, he is becoming more and more unhinged.
Imprison the Bastard.
Sep 17, 2024
September 10, 2024: Jackass in a Hailstorm, Like a Rented Mule, Pop Up the Corn Martha
“Disgustus looked like a Jackass left out in a hailstorm”
----Quotations of Chairman Joe
The tables were turned on Caesar Disgustus. It was an event long anticipated. For as soon as old Joe retired from the arena, all eyes were transfixed upon Kamala and, by god, we knew what was in store for the school yard bully. “Pop up the corn, Martha,” said I. “This is going to be good”.
Disgustus has been beating his chest for weeks, telling his Maggots that she was low I.Q. (a little projection there little Donny?); that she was somehow illegitimate; that she wasn't up for the task at hand. It was a classic debating error: lowering the bar so low that it is not difficult to meet expectations. The Democrats did that with Reagan in 1980. They did it again with “Ole Two-Cows” in 2000. Disgustus and his Maggots made the same mistake this time. All Kamala had to do was show up and speak in complete, cogent sentences to meet expectations.
She did more than that. She beat Donald tRUMP like a rented mule. It was, as Harris had framed the contest, between the prosecutor and the convict. She goaded him into a demented, howling rage laying rake after rake before him and, being tRUMP, he proceeded to step on every one of them.
Now there are only two possible outcomes when one steps on a rake. The first is that the tines puncture your shoes and embed themselves in your foot. The second is that the handle of the rake comes up and hits you in the face. Both occurred to the most haplessly and helplessly ignorant man ever to stand before the American people on the national political stage.
It began innocently enough. Kamala was a bit nervous in the opening moments. Disgustus was, for Disgustus, cogent and relaxed. Then the wheels came off the wagon.
She told him that he was fired by 81 million Americans. This stung the former star of The Apprentice whose signature line “you're fired” has once again become a refrain, referencing Harris, on the campaign trail.
She told him, citing military generals who served in his administration, that he was a disgrace.
And, perhaps most importantly, she mocked the size of his crowds, inviting her followers to attend his rallies and witness the dwindling attendance and to behold people walking out, bored and disgusted, in the middle of his speeches.
Already back on his heels and against the ropes, Disgustus flew into a blind, frothing rage accusing Harris of paying people to attend her rallies and of busing in supporters. A little projection there Donnie? All the while, on split screen, Harris stood with her hand under her chin with a look on her face that said “oh, you poor hapless bastard, isn't it time for psychiatric intervention?”
In her first speech to the nation she told tRUMP that if he had something to say to her, he should “say it to my face”. He couldn't bring himself to do that. He didn't have the courage. Instead he stood hunched over the podium, looking down and away, angry and afraid, squirming like his Maggots under the hot light of cross-examination.
Harris is Disgustus' kryptonite. She is everything he fears and loathes. She is a woman. She is Black. She is well-spoken. Foremost she is, far more than tRUMP, intelligent and competent. And this is what galls him the most
Sixty one million Americans watched as Kamala Harris administered a beating to the schoolyard bully and Caesar Disgustus shit himself to his socks. A grateful nation rejoiced as she did what no one else in the political arena has been able, all these long years, to do: kick him in his crowd size.
Immediately upon conclusion Harris called for another debate. Disgustus was heard to echo the whimper of Roberto Duran: “No Mas”.
Imprison the Bastard.
Sep 10, 2024
September 4, 2024: Cultural Lag, Return to the 'Farm', Violence Comes Home
“When hands outrun the wisdom of the mind.”
Grandmother was, in one of her poems, observing what has become known to us as cultural lag; that is, the inability of society to keep up with, and to timely adapt to, technological innovation. It is at moments like these that I return to the 'farm' (1) and to the lessons taught so long ago.
I recall one sojourn when I was young. I had yet to reach my teens, perhaps when I was 10, grandmother, in all earnestness, for she was nothing if not in earnest, inquired whether or not I thought there was such a thing as mental illness. I replied, in not the first blush of youth, that I didn't know, that I hadn't given it much consideration. As I recall this was in reference to a conversation about capital punishment and the insanity defense, a topic which hadn't troubled my youthful innocence and about which she felt an urgent introduction. Grandmother was like that.
“Let me ask you this”, she began in Socratic dialogue, “how many people have you known or observed are perfect physical specimens?”
Grasping for an answer I blurted out “not many I suppose”.
“Precisely!” she exclaimed, confirming her suspicions that underneath the exterior of this little barbarian a thinking human being did indeed reside ;that his parochial upbringing had not yet done irreparable damage; that the Lutherans had not quite extinguished the flame. (3)
It was an affirmation that has nurtured me, over the intervening decades, through thick and thin.
But I digress. It was also a revelation that, perhaps, this place is a giant madhouse; that maybe the protestants were right that man is, if not intrinsically evil, hopelessly mad. From that day forward the world assumed a different hue. Later, as I would reflect upon the imparted wisdom, I would ask myself “and we are about to arm this population? How could the Supreme Court be so stupid? Have they not beheld their countrymen?” It was then then that I was given to understand that there is nothing more dangerous than the True Believer except, of course, True Believers with a guns.
I bring this up because yesterday yet another act of senseless violence erupted in my adopted home in Georgia. It was close to home. I lived for several years in Winder, Georgia. My late wife was from there, many of my in-laws still reside therein
Winder, originally named “Jug Tavern” before some railroad Magnate appropriated the place as his own, is located on the Atlanta Highway about equidistant between Atlanta and Athens. It is the hometown of the late Senator Richard Russell, mentor to Lyndon Johnson and staunch segregationist who tried to filibuster Civil Rights legislation in the mid 1960s. It is also a town whose public High School sports teams are known as the Bulldoggs, with two 'g's. That's right, they can't even spell 'dog' properly, you know, god spelled backwards. As one would suspect it's politics are decidedly reactionary and ReSCUMlickan. Elections are held in Baptist churches, despite an abundance of public buildings in which one could easily exercise the franchise. I always felt a bit soiled when I went to vote as so too, I am certain, did the Lord.
I left Winder for Athens in 2007, just in time to see the rise of Obama on the horizon. In Winder Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones were all the rage; reaction was triumphant as White Southern Baptism, albeit with some reluctance, was about the process of accepting a Mormon in the White House if it meant barring the “Niggrah” at the door.
Winder is to Athens, as Howell is to Ann Arbor. That is, a hotbed of ignorance and reaction living in the shadows of Citadels of learning and culture. To travel the short distance down the Atlanta Highway through Statham and Bogart to Athens is to emerge from darkness into broad daylight, similar to the experience of driving down Highway 24 from Howell to Ann Arbor.
Winder has become a scene of tragedy, both personally and, now, nationally. Caught up in the hermetically sealed wrong-wing 'bubble” of Southern Baptism and Fox “News”, my wife's family dealt with the pandemic as one would expect in a community where tRUMP reigns supreme, where the pandemic is a “Democrat Hoax”, that it would “magically disappear” and, in any case, the Lord will watch over you and protect. My late wife's family has a long history of diabetes and related diseases which renders those of us of certain age vulnerable. Her niece, having been diagnosed with the disease, nevertheless showed up at a Thanksgiving Day dinner and passed COVID to her Uncle. He died several weeks later.
It could only be a matter of time before this nation's epidemic of Gun Violence would strike home.
Yesterday was the day. Some 14 year old with an assault rifle shot and killed two teachers and two students injuring another 9 in the process. This is a jurisdiction where cultural and political proclivities have come home to roost. This is what happens when one votes consistently against reason and science; where one sends idiots to represent them in Congress and the State Legislature; where weapons of war outrun the mental capacity of those who wield them. It is a sad tale, where the politics of ignorance and mendacity finally come to the homeland. It is a tale told in too often and in too many places here in America.
Imprison the Bastard.
September 2, 2024: Sundown Towns, Bastions of Ignorance, Audience of One
Disgustus, ever fearful of another attack on his wretched person and painfully aware of the empty seats at his ever diminishing venues, has taken to holding his 'rallies' is comfort zones, small rural communities where the population despises education, miscegenation and integration.
The King Hell Rat has been recently spotted holding court in places like Howell and Pottersville, Michigan. I'm familiar with Michigan, my old home state. Although it has been some time since I traveled its roads, I'm familiar enough with its history. These are towns known in the black community as 'sundown' towns, places where one does not go, if one is black, after dark.
Howell, is a case in point. It's reputation for racism is so pronounced that both Keith Olbermann and Steve Schmidt, John McCain's presidential campaign manager, were moved to comment on it. Howell is home to the headquarters of the Michigan Klu Klux Klan, and has recently held a parade where the Klan marched down Main Street chanting “we love Hitler, we love tRUMP”(1) Disgustus, held court in the parking garage of the Livingston County Sheriff's Department standing at a makeshift podium in front of a phalanx of the appropriately brown shirted Sheriff's deputies as well as the Sheriff of Livingston County.
Next he moved on the Potterville, a small town south of Lansing, Michigan, population a bit over 3,000 souls. Disgustus, speaking before a half empty auditorium claimed with a straight face that the 'authorities' were blocking thousands from entering the hall, echoing a charge he has made at earlier 'rallies' in Georgia and Pennsylvania, all in an attempt to cover up his obviously dwindling appeal as fewer and fewer citizens are willing to brave the stench and gather to see and hear his endless drivel about Hannibal Lechter, electric boats and sharks.
Disgustus is afraid. He is, and always has been, in the words of his niece Mary Trump, “a frightened little boy”. He knows he is now outclassed. He knows he is now facing the prosecutor. He knows he is about to face the 'shark' in the form of Kamala Harris, who will cut him to pieces and render his fat bloated carcass to the bottom feeders. He openly confesses that, presented with such a fate, he would prefer electrocution. Confession Donald?
Harris terrifies tRUMP. The extent of his fear is betrayed by his endless braying about someone, acting nefariously, preventing the throngs of faithful from entering the arena. Lansing's Channel 6 News had a team at the event to cover his arrival showing his 'motorcade' passing by a sparse crown looking very much like one assembling six hours before a typical Memorial Day parade in any small town in America. A couple of hundred at best sitting on folding lawn chairs with their ridiculous tRUMP flags as testimony of both their staggering ignorance and their joy at being consistently fed falsehoods. It is here, in the bastions of ignorance, where Disgustus has found his last redoubt. It is here, in the half-empty halls, where his crowds are shriveling down to the size of his penis that Disgustus finds his greatest comfort; the echoes of his own voice bouncing off the empty seats and walls to an audience of ONE.
Imprison the Bastard.
Howell's notorious history was mentioned in both Olbermann's “Countdown” and Steve Schmidt's “This is the Warning” podcasts in the days following tRUMP's event there. In a campaign appearance reminiscent of Ronald Reagan kicking off his post convention campaign in 1980 at a town in Mississippi a few miles from where three civil rights workers were murdered in 1964, Caesar Disgustus is seen here openly playing the race card.
Aug 26, 2024
August 29, 2024: Fascination with Crowd Size, Shit Attracts Flies. He is Dickless
“And what is this fascination with crowd size?”, President Obama asked at the Democratic National Convention to roaring laughter as he brought his hands together as if he were staring down at an ever disappearing penis. Indeed, what is it with Caesar Disgustus and crowd size?
We have noticed this at least since the first presser held at the White House launching his maladministration back in 2017. He's always bragging, especially about the size of the crowds he attracts. Nobody attracts bigger crowds, not Obama, nor Hillary, nor Martin Luther King, nor Biden, especially now not Harris. Disgustus is king of them all attracting crowds as shit attracts flies, Disgustus is the greatest among all men, just ask him.
It is, of course, grandiose delusion which, combined with an attenuated sense of persecution, composes textbook paranoia. The man is not only a malignant narcissist but is deeply paranoid. Disgustus is mentally ill and cannot ever again be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office nor the nuclear code.
Psychologists Gartner and Segal have hinted, more than casually, that this fascination with crowd size betrays a form of penis envy, with crowd size replacing the 19th century fascination with locomotives and the peculiarly American fascination with guns as phallic symbols substituting for penises among the tragically less endowed. And, given the testimony of Stormy Daniels, who knows something about well endowed men, tRUMP is “small, but not freakishly small”. It appears even Harris is more endowed than the pathetic excuse for a man that now heads the ReSCUMlickan Party. In the immortal words of Bill Murray's character in “Ghost Busters”, “ he is dickless”. Senator Marco Rubio may well have nailed it. It explains his tiny hands. Perhaps this explains as well his lifelong consistent cowardice, his need to denigrate the brave and the fallen, and his constant sense of victimization. He is a tiresomely pathetic little 'man'; a hopelessly boorish braggart with nothing about which to brag.
It's all projection and confession with Disgustus. Occasionally, nearly always inadvertently or by mistake, the truth slips out. Keep you diaper on Donald and stay out of the locker room lest the truth be discovered and suspicions be verified.
Imprison the Bastard.
Aug 19, 2024
August 18, 2024: Lead Us Unto Convention, Deliver Us From Evil, Ours is the Republic
“Oh, Kamala, lead us now unto convention and deliver us from evil, for ours is the republic, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen”
----Quotations of Chairman Joe
For the first time in 56 years the Democrats are gathering at Chicago to hold their quadrennial convention, forge a platform and nominate Kamala Harris for the Presidency of the United States. Unlike the dark days of 1968 this will be a brand new sunrise.
The ReSCUMlickans still reeking from their freak show in Milwaukee and suffering from fornicator's remorse find themselves rudderless in turbulent seas. Ranting and raving like a madman, Caesar Disgustus flails about, rambling endlessly about sharks and the 'Great' and 'Beautiful' Hannibal Lecter, a fictional character in the film “Silence of the Lambs” who was, perhaps tellingly, a serial killer and cannibal. Disgustus regales every audience with constantly glowing references to Lecter as well as sharks in what has recently morphed from simple campaign speeches to well publicized press conferences on, for example, the economy. You figure it out, I simply no longer possess the levitational powers nor the mental agility, nor the simple required energy. tRUMP's madness is becoming increasingly irrelevant and, more importantly, boring.
Against boredom the gods themselves struggle in vain. Disgustus finds himself addressing half-empty auditoriums whose crowds begin to slowly file out as he drones on about electric batteries in boats and sharks awaiting in threatening waters, about windmills that kill imaginary birds, about sinister forces afoot to waylay him at every turn. It's all about him you know, hell in a rare moment of honest confession he laid bare his malignant narcissism by telling one crowd that he didn't care about them, he just wanted their vote. Of course what was left unsaid was that he wants their vote not to improve their lot in life, but to stay out of prison.
This is proving all too much for even maggots drawn to the most rancid shit. One witnesses them wriggling free, recoiling from the stench and making for the exits. Even they can no longer stomach this shit.
But while the sun sets on Maggotland, the sun rises on America. Harris and Walz are drawing huge crowds; people are showing up and volunteering in droves to join the 'crusade'; Over half a billion dollars has been raised in the last month, mostly in small donations. In Chicago the Democrats meet to build a new platform for America and nominate a new slate, younger in age, bolder in vision, and openly joyous is celebrating the greatness of this republic and its infinite potential. Happy warriors about the earnest business of delivering us from evil.
Imprison the Bastard.
Aug 18, 2024
August 18, 2024: Politics of Joy, To Breathe Free, Impotence and Agency
"Against boredom the gods themselves struggle in vain. against laughter every tyrant must fall."
----Quotations of Chairman Joe
When President Joe Biden announced that he was stepping aside and that he is throwing his support behind Vice President Kamala Harris it was as if a millstone had been taken from our collective necks. There was an immediate relief, indeed an exultation, the stench of Barron von Shitsinpants no longer fills the nostrils, at last to breathe free once again.
Thousands gather at her political rallies as she smiles and openly laughs with the audiences.
At a campaign rally where she introduced Tim Walz Her Vice Presidential choice put it most succinctly: “Thank you Madame Vice President for bringing Joy back to our politics”. In this pithy yet telling observation Walz has captured the essence of the contest.
For nearly a decade Caesar Disgustus has been the Merchant of Death. Always gloomy, always moving behind a thinly veiled threat of violence, always the harbinger of disasters real and imagined, and mostly imagined, on the immediate horizon, Disgustus has parlayed fear into political capital. Journalist turned historian Bob Woodward put it clearly with the simple title of his first book on tRUMP: “FEAR”. Disgustus terrorized the country then turned on his own party driving out what little intelligence, courage and honor it possessed and distilling the Grand Old Prostitute into a full blown fascist enterprise with the Donald as the supreme leader. What remains are sniveling lickers of boots and kissers of ass, Donald's ass.
Caesar Disgustus has miscalculated. He has always thought that he could institute a reign of terror and thereby rule not understanding the culture in which this country's political institutions operate. At some point we will have had enough and that point has now been reached.
Psychologists John Gartner and Harry Segal host a weekly podcast called “Shrinking Trump” in which they catalog the mental and emotional decline of our 45th 'president'. In this weeks edition Gartner made the observation that in a contest between joy and despair or, more precisely, joy and victimization, joy will always win.
In sum, this is why: victimization implies powerlessness. One is constantly victimized and, in the fascist fantasy the strong man emerges to assume agency for the powerless. But, unlike Hitler, tRUMP has internalized the powerlessness by himself becoming the victim, the martyr. “They are doing it to me because they want to do it to you”, he constantly tells his people. “I took a bullet for you” he proclaims in his faux messianic persona in a secularized version of “I nearly died for your sins”. His hero Adolph Hitler, it must be observed, never said that he was the victim, that he was stabbed in the back at Versailles. This is tRUMP's tragic miscalculation. The bond that Disgustus has forged with his following is one a mutually shared grievance and thirst for revenge, but it is born of a naked powerlessness, a powerlessness that can find no relief through any form of revenge, it is simply naked rage, a howling at the moon.
Biden had been making the mistake of empowering tRUMP by highlighting his threat to the republic and, by extension to the nation. Yes he is an existential threat and extremely dangerous one at that, but to inflate his persona is to play into his hands. The answer is belittlement. In the words of our psychologists, the answer is “Shrinking Trump”.
Along comes Harris. Kamala is tRUMP's kryptonite. She is black. She is Asian. She is Indian. She is a woman. She smiles. She laughs. And, devastatingly, she laughs at him.
Poor Donald has no idea how to handle such a force. He rails against her. He belittles her name. He questions her ethnicity claiming that she only recently “turned black”. He tries to mock her laughter telling the great unwashed that he never heard such a laugh and that her laugh makes her sound crazy and that her advisers have put a muzzle on her laughter claiming that if she ever laughs again the race will be over. The truth here is that our fearless leader, a man who is never seen to laugh, is terrified of her laugher.
And this is telling. Laughter is a sign of joy. It is a visceral reaction not easily faked. It communicates not only the absurdity of the moment but the liberation from it. It liberates the audience from the oppressiveness of everything tRUMP represents. Against boredom the gods themselves struggle in vain; against laughter every tyrant must fall. To turn the Dear Leader, the Fuhrer if you will, into a laughingstock is to render him impotent.
In this ridicule is simply not enough. One must bring Joy to bear. Joy is optimistic. Joy gives one Agency, Joy is empowering. It is for this reason that civil rights demonstrators danced and sang songs of hope and promise.
Kamala Harris has plumbed the depths of the national crisis. The battle lines being drawn now, at base, have become a contest between not simply between fear and hope, nor between despair and joy, but between impotence and agency.
There is no doubt where America will turn.
Thank you Kamala for kicking open the doors of the dungeon. We can see and breathe again, we can laugh and dance again.
Imprison the Bastard.
Aug 17, 2024
August 17, 2024: It's the Stench, Table is Set, Reason For Hope
“It's the stench, stupid!”
----Quotations of Chairman Joe
The table is set. Old Joe has withdrawn from the race, close on the heels of a dismal 'debate' performance against our rotting Caesar Disgustus last June 27. It took about a month to persuade Joe to take a curtain call but in late July Biden did the honorable thing and bowed to father time.
This may not be, however, the whole story. One suspects this may well have been the plan all along. Continue the administration and secure his legacy by passing the torch to his able Vice President, twenty years younger than the drooling, gibbering buffoon lying incessantly and babbling incoherently in opposition immediately after Disgustus, fresh from his coronation at the ReSCUMlickan National Convention already boasting of riding a great 'red' wave, an electoral landslide, back into the oval office.
Instead, after spending months and hundreds of millions in treasure running against our aging president Disgustus now finds himself in in entirely new contest against an opponent 20 years his junior, moreover a black woman, a candidate tailor made to attack his most vulnerable susceptibilities. If ever Disgustus demonstrates his electoral weaknesses it is over gender and race, two issues he simply cannot leave alone. Kamala Harris is precisely the candidate best suited to call out and display to the world the fast decomposing turd that is Donald J. tRUMP.
From a certain perspective Biden's fast footwork transforming the contest from a verbal boxing match into a tag-team wrestling contest appears pure genius. Passing the torch to Harris at this late date eliminates the long and bruising primary contests, the threatened fracturing of the Democratic Party, and the undermining, had the Democrats chosen someone else, of the continuity and legacy of his administration. Pure genius and it looks like this may well have been the plan all along. Why else would Biden have challenged the aging idiot to a debate so early in the electoral cycle?
So, having seamlessly passed the torch, the contest has been reset. Disgustus, now the oldest candidate ever placed before the electorate will face off against Harris. Old vs relative young, white vs. black and East Indian, male vs. female, fascist vs. democrat. The lines could not be more stark, the significance more glaring: barbarism vs. civilization. The very survival of the republican experiment now approaching a quarter of a millennium, at stake.
It all boils down to a simple calculation: will the recoil from the stench of Caesar Disgustus be strong enough to overpower the country's underlying and pervasive racism and sexism? That is the question.
The 'ragin cajun' James Carville, Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign manager, has given us some perspective. Pointing out that in the last four election cycles the American people have twice elected a black man President of the United States with over 50 per cent of the vote. It has chosen by popular vote a woman for President albeit losing in the electoral college. And it has elected a black woman Vice President of the United States. There is every reason for hope.
Indeed there is. And the greatest reason is that the stench the permeates Caesar Disgustus, “Barron Von Shitsinpants” as Michael Cohen famously calls him, is so overpowering that the country simply cannot bring itself to get near enough to the rotting turd to wrap it's arms about him. The stench permeates everything. It flares the nostrils, burns the eyes and lungs, it leaves a putrid taste in one's mouth. One cannot imagine the country willingly returning to the days when every morning it would awake to find yet another steaming pile of fresh shit deposited in one's living room via Fox and Fiends, or Shitter, as the Coward in Chief, sitting on his gold plated 'throne' deposits yet another outrage for the country to confront. No, the Drama Queen has long since worn out his welcome. He, alas, no longer entertains.
And that too, is reason for hope.
Imprison the Bastard.
Jun 26, 2024
May 31, 2024
May 31, 2024: Stormy Days Ahead, Not Freakishly Small, Guilty as Charged
Porn Star Stormy Daniels took the stand last week in the Election Interference trial of Donald J. tRUMP. Everyone, and I mean everyone, expected the prosecution to skewer her; instead quite the opposite occurred. Daniels danced rings around the hapless counsel demonstrating an integrity and intelligence few had expected.
In at times sharply critical close cross examination in which the defense, in the predictable attempt to discredit and smear the witness, asked Stormy to describe the encounter. Testifying that she had met The Apprentice star at a golf tournament at one of is garishly appointed country clubs. Disgustus, ever attracted to tits and ass, asked her to join him for dinner later in the evening. Meeting the appointment she soon found herself in his suite, understanding that they were to discuss a possible Celebrity Apprentice appearance as a way of mainstreaming her public personae. After briefly retiring to the rest room she emerged, according to testimony, to find the Donald stripped to his underwear and lying on the bed in an awkwardly adolescent posture of sexual appeal. What followed, according to Daniels was and all too brief exchange in which he asked her if she wanted to keep living in a trailer the rest of her life, implying she knew what it would take to make the 'big time'. This crass approach was immediately, and with no demonstrated skill, followed with, in her telling, altogether thankfully brief intercourse lasting but a few brief seconds. Donald has always exhibited both lack of self control and total inconsideration for the feeling, if not the existence, of the other. In typically pre-adolescent behavior he was heard, the next morning, bragging of his most recent conquest, yet another notch on the old Derringer. Stormy described the thankfully brief encounter as the worst sexual experience of her life, in which she endured the assault by staring at the ceiling briefly pondering how soon it would be over.
In any case it gave Ms. Daniels the opportunity to describe what Marco Rubio only hinted about in his 2016 challenge of tRUMP during the 2016 debates. It was confirmed by Daniels that tRUMP is indeed underdeveloped where it counts, describing his rampant member as “small, but not freakishly small,” with a large mushroom head, she didn't testify as to whether or not his testicles had yet dropped.
Now, having already confirmed through testimony brought out by the Defense that Daniels had appeared in over 200 adult films, it could be assumed by any jury that Ms. Daniels is an established authority on male anatomy, especially well endowed men among which, Donald is surely not. Her testimony confirms that of E.Jean Carroll in her civil lawsuit in which she testified, convincingly, to the jury that she couldn't tell whether he had inserted his penis or one of the fingers on his tiny hands when he assaulted her in a Department Store dressing room. This, under New York law, meant that the jury could find him guilty of sexual assault instead of outright rape; which they promptly did.
It was information revealed in this case that further confirms the depravity of the 'man'; adding yet another sordid tale in a growing litany of sordid tales that composes the dung heap that is our Caesar Disgustus; stories that, through intimidation or outright bribery, did not see the light of day depriving the public of a full understanding of just what a pile of steaming stinking dog shit he really is.
In any case, after requesting a re-reading of the testimonies of both Ms. Daniels and Michael Cohen, the first and last witnesses, the bookends as it were, of the trial the jury returned a swift verdict. Guilty on all 34 counts. The soon to be anointed ResCUMlican presidential nominee is now a convicted felon. Let that sink in.
Imprison the Bastard.
Apr 30, 2024
April 29, 2024: Pecker Bones tRUMP, Ratfucking the Republic, The Seedy Side
David Pecker, (one can hardly make up these names), is a former publisher of the rag known as the “National Inquirer”. This is not to be confused with the Philadelphia Inquirer, for the latter is a respected publication with high journalistic standards while the former is not. The problem is that Pecker's National Inquirer is to be found at the check-out counter of every damn grocery store and nearly every newsstand in the United States. With gripping stories how a surviving, albeit badly damaged, JFK is running things from the basement of the White House, or that Hillary has give birth to a son who is half human and half bat, the Inquirer traffics in the worst kind of 'journalism', giving credence to every conspiracy theory this side of Qanon and 4chan.
Long before “Faux News” and Rush Limbaugh's introduction of hate radio, there was the National Inquirer. It says a lot about America that as it checks out at the grocery what passes for 'news' is not Time or Newsweek; not even Life or the hopelessly reactionary Reader's Digest. Hell, one seeks in vain The New York Times or Wall Street Journal. Instead there is substituted the National Inquirer. This tells you all you need to know about the state of information in these United States, where this upcoming national election is to decided by, perhaps, razor thin margins in a handful of 'swing' states. That is, states that could 'swing' either way.
What this means is the frightening prospect that this election will be decided by a segment of the population that reads this shit, a segment that believes 'professional' wrestling is real. My god, the Republic hangs by a thread.
Pecker took the stand this week in the trial of Donald J. tRUMP for falsifying financial statements related to a 'hush money' scandal involving porn star Stormy Daniels. Although it is universally referred to as a 'hush money' scandal it is, in fact, an election interference scandal involving illegal campaign contributions and the falsification of business records to 'cover up' nefarious behavior in order to prevent the public from becoming aware lest he lose the election.
It's always about the elections with the ReSCUMlickan. Nixon in '68, Reagan in '80, Bush Senior in '88 with the sabotage of Gary Hart's campaign, Bush the Lesser in 2000, Bush the Lesser again in 2004 with the 'swift boating' of John Kerry, tRUMP in 2016 with above mentioned scandal and the Russian interference, Caesar Disgustus again in 2020 with the Ukraine fiasco, the election denials, the fake 'electors' scheme, and the ensuing insurrection. The ReSCUMlickans have been ratfucking the Republic for nearly 60 years. Having 'caught' the 'scandal' the Inquirer, having gained exclusive rights, would 'kill' the story by failing to publish it. This was the case with the Karen McDougall story, a Playboy Playmate of the Month with whom Disgustus allegedly had a protracted affair lasting nearly a year.
And so, Pecker testified at length, he set about implementing the plan. Accordingly, the Inquirer ran blaring headlines featuring stories about, for instance Ted Cruz's father being involved with Oswald in the assassination of JFK. Cruz was, at the time a chief rival for the 2016 ReSCUMlican presidential nomination. It ran stories featuring Hillary's alleged failing health and impending physical collapse. It ran countless stories savaging tRUMP's rivals with glaring headlines guaranteed to catch the eye of every devotee of the World Wrestling Federation and, since it is prominently displayed at every check out isle, it was hoped, beyond.
But, alas, Caesar Disgustus again, unerringly, proved to be the author of his own undoing. Forever the cheapskate, Disgustus refused to pay Pecker for services rendered. This ended the implementation of 'catch and kill' as far as the Inquirer was concerned and when the 'Stormy Daniels' encounter, for according to her the 'affair' lasted only a few brief seconds, was about to break Pecker and his 'journal' were no longer available. Enter the ever reliable Michael Cohen. Cohen, under intense pressure to do something mortgaged his home in order to pay off Daniels, a transaction that tRUMP agreed to reimburse in 12 monthly installments. This was done in order for the back-channel payments to appear as 'legal consultation' fees instead of a campaign contribution which tRUMP no doubt declared a business expense for tax purposes. It would also keep the whole business, it was hoped, from ever seeing the light of day. Cohen spent about three years in prison for his part in this affair. Pecker was granted immunity for his testimony. Disgustus, after nearly 8 long years, and nearly 4 years after leaving office, finally finds himself before the bar of justice for election interference, falsification of business records and tax evasion.
What emerged from Pecker's testimony is the tawdry nature of tabloid journalism, of the seedy side of Donald tRUMP and the scope of a scandal the public had every right to know as it went to the polls in 2016. The Republic is now in grave danger having been denied that right.
Imprison the Bastard.