Sep 15, 2018

September 14, 2018: Relentless Incompetence, Mendacious Purpose, Criminal Intent

As hurricane Florence bears down on the Carolina's reports surface that Disgustus has been about stripping our response agencies in order to construct concentration camps in which to hold immigrants heading to our shores.

Two nights ago, Rachel Maddow (1) reported that, citing a report made public by Senator Merkley of Oregon that the administration stripped nearly ten million dollars from FEMA in order to construct these facilities. Last night Maddow further reported that Disgustus and his wrecking crew had stripped an additional 29 and three quarters of a million dollars from the Coast Guard. Estimates are now circulating that 200 million has been diverted to building these camps. This is not a small operation.

Administration officials claim that this was just money lying about, administrative moneys that wouldn't interfere with rescue efforts. Those who understand emergency response know it is bullshit.

First, the records released by the senator clearly state in the line item adjustments that the money came from FEMA emergency preparedness funds. Secondly, the Coast Guard is a primary responder in any natural disaster or national emergency. Coast Guard helicopters, life boats, and personnel are always on the front line. Moreover, even if one isn't cutting these funds, the administration is clearly pillaging money that would be used to stock warehouses with needed supplies in order that the relief is available and ready to be delivered.

Last year, in these columns, in the wake of the triple-whammy this administration experienced with the storms in the Gulf Coast and in the Caribbean I pointed out that the disastrous response in Puerto Rico—in which FEMA officials have told the press that they were strapped for resources—would also have afflicted the federal response to the other hurricanes in Texas and along the Gulf Coast had they occurred later in this administration, as the tRUMP operatives would have had more time to make a pig's breakfast of federal administration.

And now we have it. Gutting the resources needed for these emergencies, hollowing out the Federal capabilities with another hurricane season upon us.

Relentless incompetence. Mendacious purpose. Criminal intent. Disgustus is nothing but a vandal. He knows not how to build, but knows only how to destroy.

An Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.


  1. Rachel Maddow Show” MSNBC Wednesday, September 12 and Thursday September 13, 2018

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