Sep 15, 2018

September 15, 2018: Insecure Teenage Girl, All About Facade, Defiles the Office

He's got the maturity of an eight year old boy with the insecurity of a teenage girl. That's just who he is”.
              ----former Secretary of State and Senator John Kerry.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry summed it up in a barb delivered on the Bill Mahr Show. Disgustus is indeed an insecure teenage girl hopelessly lost in the coliseum and desperately trying to put on a brave face. But then it has always been about face, all about facade.

Never having the courage to confront anyone of substance, Disgustus has, as always, taken to the impersonal 'twitter' as the birdbrain-in-chief once again calls upon the anti-social media in which to air his grievances. It is always about his grievances.

He has taken to 'tweeting' about how the experts have it wrong and that the death toll in Puerto Rico was inflated as part of an orchestrated Democratic conspiracy to discredit him. Nothing about the suffering on the island, nothing about what might have been done better, nothing about the dead and dying, nothing about perhaps working harder to restore the island. No. It is always about him. It is always about his ego—about slights real and imagined; and much more imagined than real.

Now we have an exchange on 'Twitter' in which Disgustus criticized former Secretary of State Kerry for meetings with his Iranian counterparts, calling Kerry's actions “Illegal” , undercutting “our great work to the detriment of the American people”.  He went on to whine about the meetings saying that such back channel meetings were unprecedented. Of course this is complete nonsense. Former diplomats routinely maintain contact with their peers around the world, just ask Henry Kissinger. In any case Kerry had fully briefed the State Department about the meetings and their contents.

John Kerry fired back on 'Twitter' that Disgustus should be much more worried about Paul Manafort cooperating with Robert Mueller and his investigations than his meetings with Iranian diplomats.

Indeed he should. But this must be seen as yet another attempt at our bed-wetting president to cover the evidence. Today's distraction further eroding the credibility of this bastard presidency but damaging the institution nonetheless. Every day in every way Disgustus defiles the office.

An' Br'er Putin, he jus' laugh and laugh”

Impeach and Imprison.

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