Sep 21, 2018

September 19, 2018: Suffer the Children, Pornographic Priests, The Terror Remains

When the pedophile priests aren't abusing the children the protestants are beating them”

                        ----from “The Quotations of Chairman Joe”

I have written about this before in posts detailing my personal experiences with the vicars of god. (1)

It is one of nature's great mistakes that we are brought into this world helpless and wholly dependent and, therefore, subject to the whim of fate. For we have no control over what our environment will be, or to whom we will bond. Stated simply, we have no control over who are parents are and into what extended family we find ourselves. The “church” falls into the latter category.

I've never understood how a woman can sit still in church, for the doctrine laid down in the Judeo-Christian tradition belittles them. Only recently, and then furtively, have the various denominations embraced the idea of female priests, for the most part the church is locked into the iron-age dictums laid down tens of thousands of years ago when women were treated as mere chattel property; daughters to be traded for livestock or land which in those days was their equivalent of social security.

Nowhere has this legacy lingered on with such vileness as the protestant penchant for beatings and the Catholic penchant for sexual deviancy. Earlier this month a report was issued by authorities in Pennsylvania that involved over 300 priests molesting and otherwise violating over 1,000 children (2) mostly boys. While this occurred over a time span of half a century the thinking is that all of the transgressions may not be accounted for.

My god—if you can forgive a declared atheist—how many priests are there in Pennsylvania? I mean this must be nearly all of them. And this went on for decades.

The good news, if there be any, is that those victimized are now organizing a class-action suit (3) against the church, hopefully involving enough in restitution to bankrupt the institution. But I doubt it.

The victims should also bring suit against the estates of their parents for putting them into harm's way.

Again, it is the luck of the draw, or the caprice of fate that determines in whose hands ones well being is placed. Why anyone would drag a child to church has always escaped me.

When the priests are not fondling and raping, and the sisters (talk to anyone who has gone to a Catholic school) are not joining the protestants in applying the rod, one is still left with the stark reality that even at its most benign the teachings of the church are designed to accomplish nothing other than to terrorize the young. Fill the child's head with sheer terror of burning for an eternity in hell if you don't tow the line, if you somehow don't measure up, if you don't make the grade.

Oh they gloss it over with tales of a loving god, who will drop out the sky like Caesar Disgustus and sweep you up but the underlying terror is at the base of what animates the soul to look to these myths in the first place. Rule by terror: an idea early perfected by the church and only recently adopted by every tin horn dictator on the planet. Without terror one has no need of 'salvation'.

Then there is the ever-present danger of 'backsliding'. In the Baptist tradition the child is taken, like in every other sect, to church well before the bastard is able to take his, or her, first step or utter the first word. A child is 'baptized', literally and figuratively, into the fold well before it has developed any capacity for critical thinking; cause and effect, empirical evidence, social understanding. Then, just before pubescence, a ritual is performed in which the 'elders' of the church, after due instruction, declare the young one 'saved' from the fate that would otherwise, inexorably, wait.

But there is always this nagging doubt. There is always this voice suggesting that perhaps, just perhaps, god is, after all, the god of Abraham. And so, the terror remains.

Let there be no mistake about it. Religion is a form of child abuse. The revelations of the misdeeds of the Catholic church are only a symptom—the latest manifestation as ugly as they are. But the priests are, from a wider perspective, simply doing what they are charged to do—terrorize the children. And who, after all, gave them permission?


  1. See, for example the earlier post: April 27, 2015: The One and Only Billy Shears, Suffer the Little Children, American Madrasa

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